I ended the month of September with Val and PJ’s awesome wedding at Laurentian Lodge just north of Elliot Lake, Ontario. Laurentian Lodge is a gorgeous setting in some of Northern Ontario’s finest country and it provided a great backdrop for the weekend’s activities even with the cold and rain that lasted all day Saturday. The weather didn’t stop Val and PJ though and up till about 5 minutes before the ceremony everyone was still unsure if we were going to go ahead with the planned outdoor ceremony or move it indoors. The weather even cooperated briefly near the end of the ceremony with some rays of sun blasting through the clouds. Val, PJ and the rest of the bridal party were troopers and a half with running in and out of buildings as the rain would come down and put up with the cold and wind as we tried to get our formal shots in. We had such a fun time doing this (right guys?) that we ended up late for dinner!
Thanks for the crazy awesome time guys and for surviving the weather!