As a photographer it is a huge honour when someone you’ve known for a very long time books you to shoot their wedding. I’ve actually known Jenn and AJ for a number of years, so many in fact I don’t want to state as it makes me feel old. I had a great time shooting their wedding and they brought me out to the windmill farm for their bridal shots. Great location except there wasn’t a cloud in the sky to help us out but we made do. You also need to be very careful when out in the more rural areas shooting, a bear went right up to the girls! One of the groomsmen was able to capture a shot of it and I included it below. Somehow I was like the guy on Polk-A-Dot Door who always misses Polkaroo.
Thanks for a fun day guys, I definitely had a blast.

bahaha. why did i think it was an actual bear??
great photos! ps. does this mean we’re getting close to the Sept 4 ones??
Ah! I love love love the pictures Curt! YOU ROCK!!! Thank you so much – you did an AMAZING job :D.
Nice shots!!!
Perry – you’re like find waldo – just not too hard to find!
Great pics! Can’t wait to see the rest 🙂
Beautiful pictures Curt!!
love the windmills in the back! and great pooh costume haha