Making their way onto the site due to popular demand I bring you Becky and Rich’s Wedding Reception Sneak Away pictures. These shots were taken on the same night as Jess and Mike’s Wedding Reception shoot as Becky and Rich were just down the road at the Water Tower Inn. I stole the couple away from their wedding reception for about ten minutes and below is what we hammered out. I’ll give Rich the credit for suggesting we head out onto Great Northern Rd (which is supposed to be one of the busier streets in Sault Ste. Marie) to grab some of the shots – they turned out killer!
As usual, the comments are open – now onto the shots:

beautiful as always! i want to get married again just to have some of these shots! the street ones are fabulous!
Here is your daily praise!!
can i put my dress back on for the street shots? 😉
WILD as usual curt, killer!!!
I don’t even know what to say anymore!! These rock. I love the street shots. Way cool idea!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the coloured street one!!!
Keep my wedding date open – not sure if or when that will ever be. But when the times comes you’re it!!
Yes ladies, you can all get married again – although what would your current husbands think of that?
Lisa your fictional date is fictionally booked 😉