After two crazy days of rolling around the floor, getting slobbered on frequently and a small bite (didn’t even leave a scratch!) I’m going to declare PAWsome Booth 2014 another success. First and foremost I wouldn’t be able to do the event without the support of Steve and Jenn at loplops (on Facebook) who graciously provide the space for us be as crazy as we want to be. I also have to give a big shout out to the volunteers I was able to convince to come and help out if it was either helping me wrangle the pets or assist with the paper work and donations – so to Candace, Tony, Brian and Sara thank you!
The final tally over the days is as follows: 56 sessions, 68 dogs, 2 cats, 1 parrot, 1 sore/big baby guy.
With this year’s event we raised $690 and another RAV4 trunk full of food for donation to the Soup Kitchen Community Centre and that’s simply awesome and what the days are all about.
So thank you to everyone who came out and supported the event because just like the people above without the support of you and your pets this event wouldn’t be what it is.