Last week the boys got to make another trip to the groomer’s for the monthly nail clipping and other necessary things groomers do to them that we simply won’t and you really don’t want me posting it here. We take them to Linda’s Pet Grooming and Linda just loves them which is a great connection for your groomer to have with your dogs. Every time they go she gives them a new bandanna to come home with and I try to keep them on them until Jes gets to see them wearing them as they do look good with them on. However Harvey fights with his the second he comes in the door, Fozzie’s becomes a tug of war toy (while still connected to his neck) and Domino is usually good with his – he made it through the weekend with his on.
This time I was able to grab some pictures and putting them up to quench your thirst while I’m working away on a lot of shoots that you will be seeing very shortly.
Harvey looking innocent – he was named after Harvey Dent and the dual personality cannot match him more accurately. One minute he’ll be barking, growling and trying to bite me then the next he’ll snuggle on to my chest to go to sleep:

Fozzie being his normal bashful self – he’s not one for having his picture taken:

Domino asleep and he’s in the exact same position right now. He has a thing with sleeping on pillows.

Harvey is WORKIN’ IT!!! Love it!
hehehe why haven’t I seen these before now? Where are all the other good pics I took of them?
I love your dogs 🙂 I never can choose a favourite!