The adventure is almost over – I promise. I think I have about 4 or 5 more parts but that’s it and I may cut it back or combine some. This is the second last part to the middle portion of our trip. After that we move to the fun part of the trip which ended way too soon. This was another one of my attempts at capturing that great Hawaiian sunset only to fail. The Hawaiian sun and myself did not have a great relationship. On to the clues (which I really don’t know how to clue this one).
The Clues:
1. you can see and hear the planes from here
2. Kona Coast
3. Natural Energy Lab
4. tide pools
(okay okay I really couldn’t think of fun ones for this so it narrows it down pretty good)
Be sure to check out and guess for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6 (some of these do not have correct answers at the time of writing).
(correct answers will be listed at the end of the adventure)

My favorite is the 5th one with the big splash! Amazing Shot