This day is another one broken down into two separate parts. We’re close to about midway through the trip now. At this location Jes laid on the beach and I decided to walk around a bit and climb some rocks. Luckily I did because I found more honu! So awesome seeing them in person.
The clues:
1. how big is this island?
2. One of the top beaches on the island
3. limited parking available
4. access through a resort
Remember all the clues lead you to the final answer, not just one of them, although some are bigger clues than others (some just sort of help and the round about way will come with the reveal).
Be sure to check out and guess for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5.
(correct answers will be listed at the end of the adventure)

OMG Curt, I LOVE the turtle pictures! <<< he looks nackered!
Yeah he was resting up quite well. He let me get the closest to him out of all of the honu on the trip. I still kept reasonable distance to not disturb him but he knew I was there and was watching me.