This part of the game happened the same day as Part 4. The shots aren’t as good as what has been up but I couldn’t resist posting this part of the trip. Once again there are multiple locations here, I’ll just go with two locations for this one even though there are a couple of different parts to location 2.
The clues:
1. that’s one Big Island
2. black sand beach (1)
3. monk seals hang out here (we didn’t see any) (1)
4. hot hot hot but cold cold cold (2)
5. the island wouldn’t be here without it (2)
Remember all the clues lead you to the final answer, not just one of them, although some are bigger clues than others (some just sort of help and the round about way will come with the reveal).
Be sure to check out and guess for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.
(correct answers will be listed at the end of the adventure)

Hey Curt, I think these pictures are just as fantastic. I love the pictures of Jes, and the one in the tunnels.