What do you get when you have two families, a great location and one wild and crazy guy? Family shoots in Tuscany! And did anyone even get my reference? I think long and hard to come up with these things (5 minutes max) and when they go unnoticed my dogs get sad.
Anyway two days before the big wedding Aaron’s family, the Knox’s; and Michela’s family, the McClelland’s all headed to San Gimignano to get their own little family shoot in. We did have a quick gelato break before the festivities got underway. How could you not?
Up first is the Knox’s! Hal, Carol, Doug, Belva, Aaron, Matt, Sara, Stevie Ted and some friends sneaking in as well (Barry and Chanelle).

Curt ..you must be a ball player, cause you keep hitting it out of the park…can’t wait to see whats up next.
Awesome stuff again!! I wish you did this full time, then I could look at new and amazing pictures such as these everyday!
He is full time!!!
[…] up from yesterday’s post on the Knox’s, today I bring you the McClelland’s. Out in full force were Clint, Jenat, Michela, Shelby, […]