Look at that hair! No really, look at it. I’m jealous, really jealous. At least I can take solace in the fact that I can grow a better beard than him… for now.
Introducing Cooper, the baby voted most likely to grow up to be Johnny Bravo. I had the pleasure of being chosen as the photographer for Coop’s first photo shoot. Working with infants is always hard because they are basically doing their own thing and you are at their mercy. Cooper was great to shoot and how quickly he went from sleep to awake back to sleep was fun to watch especially considering he’d go to sleep when we would want him up and vice-versa.
Ilsa and Jason thanks for letting me be a part of this special time in your lives and I hope that one day you are able to get that hair under control!

Great shoot Curt, once again!
Love the photos soooo much!! First shoot of many to come…thanks again Curt!
awwww he’s so cute! love his blue eyes and crazy hair..my favorite is #6 where mom and dad are holding him and he is smileing.
Great work Curt!
Awesome photos! Cutest baby ever!