What happened to the weather? This shoot did happen before the crazy snow storm of Saturday but was probably the coldest day before that. The days leading up to Camille and Chase’s shoot were nice, warm and sunny and then when we headed out a strong wind moved in and made it cold, very cold. Camille and Chase were great and didn’t let the cold affect them (me on the other hand: I was a suck on the inside – can’t let the kids see you be weak!).
Camille and Chase were at opposite ends of wanting to have their picture taken. Every time I turned around Camille would be in a new pose or doing something else and Chase would be running in the opposite direction. Ahh kids! Chase did warm up to me though and we got some great shots of the two of them. And check out his shoes – comic book shoes! – why can’t grown ups have comic book shoes?
Corry, thanks for helping out and let Camille and Chase know that they are awesome.
As a side note this shoot happened the day after my bad day. I lost my phone and wallet on the shoot (found in separate spots), had to drive back to the location (Hiawatha) and search for them for about 30 minutes. What a week.

best. shoes. ever.