Mary and Steve were able to sneak their engagement shoot in the same week of their wedding. We shot their engagement shoot on Monday and then the wedding on Friday – how fun! That still only gets them second place with closeness to wedding date for their engagement shoot — Michela and Aaron (Tuscany wedding) take the prize there with their shoots being a day apart.
Steve is tied into music A LOT and decided to bring some ukuleles along for the shoot which we were only going to incorporate in a shot or two but then the power of the uke took over and the shoot revolved around them. Steve also plays in a band called the McFlies (on MySpace) who are an 80s cover band but do it all acoustic. They played a show at Loplops here in the Sault the day after the wedding; I missed out as I was shooting another wedding but heard they had the place packed.
More stories coming in their wedding post which will be seen shortly. Thanks for the fun guys.

[…] their personalities directly to the entire theme of the events happening. If you remember from Mary and Steve’s engagement shoot they brought a couple of ukes along and I said they were into music; they took that to the next […]