Fall colours! Where did they go? There was about a two week period where I was still in Sault Ste. Marie where the fall colours were very vibrant. All of the leaves around my house were still on the trees and in multiple shades of orange, yellow and red. Now I have multiple shades of orange, yellow and red on the ground in the backyard – anyone want to come over and clean them up?
Flashing back though to when the leaves were still up Heather, Clint and myself headed to Hiawatha Highlands / Kinsmen Park to rock out their engagement shoot. They brought their golden retrievers Chloe and Bailey along as well. The plan was to sneak the pups in for a couple of shots while they were clean and dry. The clean and dry part lasted for about 5 minutes as both of them were in the first puddle they saw and loved playing in the water every time we got close. It was a great afternoon to be out and the pups provided some entertainment, I think they were trying to knock me into the water with them part of the time as well.
Thanks for the great afternoon Heather and Clint and I’m looking forward to shooting your wedding next year.

I love the one cuddled up on the tracks, and definetely the ring shot…very nice as always!
I can’t get over how beautiful these pictures are. Curt did an amazing job, and I’m so excited for the wedding.
Congratulations, guys! 🙂
also… I’m SO glad that he included the family photo with the babies! Such a gorgeous little family!
nice rock shot! 🙂 clever!