Here’s Danielle and Brendan’s engagement shoot from a couple of weeks back. It was right in the middle of a busy period shoot wise and I was up for something new so on the day of the shoot I told Danielle to take me on an adventure – and that they did. Danielle and Brendan knew of a set of waterfalls that I didn’t know existed. They promised a leisurely drive into the country followed by a nice little stroll through the forest to a spot with escalators that would bring you from the top to the bottom of the falls – none of this really happened. Instead we dodge rock slides, rickety bridges and washed out roads on the drive; avoided bears and vicious moose on the trek through the bush and rock climbed to get to the falls – this may also be stretching the truth. But it was an adventure.
Thanks for the adventure guys!

Absolutely love your Nature photoshoot!