Here’s Tara and Tony’s Awesome Booth. We brought in some foam swords for the party as a new addition and then “someone” had to come along with the real thing. Thanks for showing up our foam swords!
Now this very poorly made collage by me has a story behind it. During Tara’s speech she brought up something I said during their engagement shoot but never mentioned on the site because I’m a nice guy (just run with that for a second). Anyway, she said something along the lines “and thanks to Curt even though he hates my face”. And taken out of context that sounds kind of bad; okay in context I guess it’s kind of bad too. But during their engagement shoot Tara was in a pose and I happened to say “This is going to sound bad but I hate your face.” And it was in reference to the way her face was looking in the situation we had her in, sure it might have been blunt but got the point across. So after she brought it up during her speech there was only one thing to do, get as many people as possible into the Awesome Booth holding a sign saying “I hate your face” without her knowing. Tara did catch on to us near the end of the night but we definitely got some key players into the action.
I love the “I hate your face” comments! I thought it was from the movie Grandma’s Boy. Check out that movie if you haven’t seen it lol